Once Star Wars: Force Awakening achieved huge box office success for Luke, Han, and Leia, traditional sequels really started working overtime to retain the original and available franchise stars as much as possible. Ghost Hunt: The Next Life brings back the still alive Ghost Hunt from the first two movies, and they once again star in Marchs Ghost Hunt: The Ice Empire with the returning Anne Potts. Are fans tired of Marvel and DC? Super Hero Fatigue New York 2023 CCShare Subtitle OfEnglish shares this video Facebook Twitter Email Reddit Linkview. Are fans tired of Marvel and DC? What is the inspiration behind the concept of superhero fatigue in NYCC 2023s Hunger Games reality show? Will we see more of the relationship between Uhura and Spock on November 20, 2021| On July 13, 2023, during an interview with SFX Magazine, director Gil Kennan promised that the fifth film would feature the original cast playing real characters. Some legacy sequels