Maggie Daley, the wife of former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, has died at age 68, after a long battle with metastatic breast cancer. We talk about her life and her legacy on this special edition of Chicago Tonight at 7:00 pm.
President Barack Obama, Gov. Pat Quinn and Mayor Rahm Emanuel released statements following Maggie Daley's death. Read them below.
Statement by the President on the Passing of Maggie Daley
"Michelle and I were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Maggie Daley. Maggie was an extraordinary woman who dedicated her life to public service. While she will be sorely missed, her initiatives on behalf of Chicago’s youth live on as national models for how to create environments for children to learn and grow outside the classroom. Maggie’s commitment to the children and people of Chicago was surpassed only by her devotion to her family. Tonight, our thoughts and prayers are with Mayor Daley, Nora, Patrick, Lally and the entire Daley family."
Governor Quinn Statement on Maggie Daley
"Tonight, the State of Illinois lost a great treasure. Maggie Daley was a woman for all seasons whotreated Chicago residents like family and served up hope and inspiration wherever she went.
"The ever-gracious Maggie was devoted to her family and her faith. Maggie had a servant's heart,especially for children. Through her founding and leadership of After School Matters, she lifted up thousands ofChicago teenagers with opportunities to discover their potential and find their path to a meaningful life.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Daley family. The people of Chicago and Illinois nowmourn a great loss, but we remember the legacy of grace and compassion that Maggie left."
Statement from Mayor Emanuel regarding the passing of Maggie Daley
"Tonight we grieve for the Daley family. Chicago has lost a warm andgracious First Lady who contributed immeasurably to our city. WhileMayor Daley served as the head of this city, Maggie was its heart. Ofall her accomplishments, Maggie’s most treasured role was as a wife,mother, and grandmother. Our hearts go out to Mayor Daley, Nora,Patrick, Lally and the rest of the Daley family. Just as Maggie willremain a constant presence in their lives, she will remain a constantpresence in our city. Like Chicagoans everywhere, Amy and I willalways hold her in our hearts.
"We are grateful to Maggie for lending her shining spirit to Chicago inso many ways. She inspired all of us with her commitment to childrenand the arts. She revealed her grace through her battle with cancer.Whether you knew her personally or were among the countless more wholoved and admired her, all of Chicago will remember Maggie for thegrace and dignity with which she served for twenty-two years as FirstLady.
"Every person in this city, one way or another, has been touched by hervision and determination. In the summer of 1991, Maggie started anafter school program that apprenticed teenagers to learn their craftsfrom professional artists in a fun, safe environment. I remember thefirst time Maggie gave me a tour of the headquarters: a tent villagethey had put up on an empty lot downtown. There were just two hundredstudents. Twenty years later, twenty thousand Chicago students arebusy learning, growing, and building a brighter future – all becauseof Maggie.
"On the fifth floor of City Hall hangs a beautiful mural that wascreated by some of those young artists from Maggie’s program. I passit when I come to work every morning and when I leave every evening.It reminds me that, at the end of the day, everything I do in thatoffice as Mayor of Chicago is measured by her standard – to leavebehind a city that is worthy of our children. That was the standardshe lived by. That is what she leaves to us. So, join me incomforting the whole Daley family, and let us commit to carrying onMaggie's life's work to build that brighter future for the City ofChicago, together."
Maggie Daley will be remembered during a public wake at the Chicago Cultural Center's Preston Bradley Hall on Sunday, Nov. 27 from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm. A public funeral will be held at Old St Patrick’s Church, 700 W. Adams, on Monday, Nov. 28 at 10:30 am.
What are your thoughts on Maggie Daley's life and legacy? Post your comments below or on our discussion board.
Related Links:
Maggie Daley's Life & Legacy: post your comments
Chicago Tribune article on Maggie's death
Chicago Sun-Times editorial on Maggie's death
Crain's Chicago Business article on Maggie's death
Reuters article on Maggie's death